I used to live there and that's where my dad worked when I lived there. Pretty much the majority of my friends had dad's that worked there and considering that it's probably has the most jobs in that area, that's going to be a lot of unemployed people >_<
RAF Kinloss is set to close after ministers cancelled orders for the new Nimrod as part of the UK government's defence review.
Nine of the MRA4 surveillance aircraft were due to be based in Moray.
RAF Kinloss station commander Group Captain James Johnston said there had been disbelief when the announcement was made.
The future of nearby RAF Lossiemouth, home to Tornado squadrons, remains uncertain.
However, there was better news for shipbuilding in Govan and Rosyth, with orders for two new aircraft carriers going ahead.
Prime Minister David Cameron said that as a result of the cancellation of the Nimrod replacement, RAF Kinloss would no longer be required.
It is understood that the Ministry of Defence could retain the site and may eventually use it as a barracks for soldiers returning from Germany.
Defence sources say the troops would not arrive until about 2015 at the earliest.
A final decision has not yet been taken about RAF Lossiemouth.
It has been feared that the Tornado aircraft currently based at RAF Lossiemouth could be transferred to RAF Marham.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said: Cancelling the Nimrod aircraft of course has a knock-on effect on the bases in Moray, but it's not the end of the story.
We're not going to abandon the families and communities which are dependent for their jobs and their livelihoods on those bases.
Moray's two RAF bases contribute more than £150m to the local economy annually and support 5,700 jobs, according to a report in August by consultants hired by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).
I used to live there and that's where my dad worked when I lived there. Pretty much the majority of my friends had dad's that worked there and considering that it's probably has the most jobs in that area, that's going to be a lot of unemployed people >_<