MSN News: Rubio - People Are "Born With" Sexual Preference
Sen. Marco Rubio’s evolving view on homosexuality falters from the ultra-conservative belief that being gay is a choice. “I believe that sexual preference is something that people are born with,” the Republican presidential candidate said Sunday morning on CBS’s Face the Nation.
The sentiment adds to the junior Florida senator’s stance on marriage equality already explained this week on whether he would attend a gay wedding. Depending on who was sending the invitation, Rubio would RSVP yes.
The same question pressed upon Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker at the GOP Summit in New Hampshire revealed the staunch opposer to marriage equality had never been to such a wedding, but a wedding reception, yes. He celebrated the union for a relative, who is a lesbian.
“Even though my position on marriage is still that its defined as between a man and a woman, and I support the constitution of the state, but for someone I love, we’ve been to a reception,” Walker said.
The reception was for Shelli Marquardt, his wife’s cousin, last year in June during a brief window when a federal judge’s ruling briefly overturned the state’s ban on same-sex marriage.
Walker missed the wedding due to a prior engagement in New York, but his son, Alex, served as a witness at Waukesha County Courthouse. The governor later attended the couple’s reception, he said Saturday night.
After the wedding, Walker’s office said Marquardt “is a part of the Walker family who they dearly love.”
Rubio said Wednesday he would attend a same-sex wedding for someone he cared about, such as a friend, relative or colleague without prejudice despite his Catholic faith.
The caveat, Rubio explained, is that still believes the institution of marriage is defined as one man and one woman. Any debate on the definition should be left to state lawmakers and not the judicial system, he added.
“I don’t think courts should be making that decision and I don’t believe same-sex marriage is a constitutional right,” Rubio said.
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on four lawsuits, each in Ohio, Michigan, Tennessee and Kentucky on whether states can deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples or refuse to recognize those legally obtained in states where gay marriage is legal.