"Scratch-and-sniff" jeans may not seem the most obvious clothing item but that has not stopped designer Brandon Svarc from creating some.
The mint-scented jeans are currently being shipped to around 30 countries, including the UK.
Mr Svarc has also designed jeans coated with Teflon to deflect stains.
Previously he has experimented with denim that changes colour with heat, jeans blended with stainless steel, and glow-in-the-dark jeans.
"We designed 'scratch-and-sniff' jeans because we love fun and unique things. If I can make my customers smile, then I'm doing my job correctly," he said.
"We love innovations and will continue to make unique and crazy fabrics of all kinds," he added.
The "scratch-and-sniff" effect is created by coating the denim with a layer of micro-capsules.
The coating is put on the denim and baked into the jeans. Each of the capsules contains perfume that is released when it is scratched.
The capsules last through at least 10 washes, according to the company.
The jeans, designed for Naked and Famous Denim, cost $158 (£96).
What do you do....scratch your arse and then get someone to sniff it?