...namely, some problematic notions of male-female sexuality, according to Ace of Spades...
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(Ace of Spades) Oh, yes.
MRC dug up Sanders' 1972 essay, "Men-and-Women." Why the headline has weird punctuation, you'd have to ask this old chicken-necked pervert. Anyway, this fruity weirdo has some problematic notions of male/female sexuality. MRC quotes him: "A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy," wrote Sanders. "A woman on her knees. A woman tied up. A woman abused." Sanders didn't specify as to how he had gained such a deep understanding of the male psyche. In terms of his understanding of female sexual fantasies, Sanders provided similar insight. "A woman enjoys intercourse with her man--as she fantasizes about being raped by 3 men simultaneously."
Charles C.W. Cooke says that we should not unduly persecute Bernie Sanders for his sexual heresies, so you have some idea of the perverted antiques roadshow Cooke has going on in his bedroom. You know how it is with British men. The bizzare seeds planted in boarding school sprout wicked fruit throughout their lives.
Cooke is arguing for what he conceives of as free speech absolutism -- one does not demagogue speech to whip up feeding frenzies of angry lynch mobbers about something merely said. I agree with this, naturally, except that I don't. As a tactical matter, there is no way to get the left to stop with its incessant Censorship Crusades except to visit equal pain upon them.
The greatest ethical precept in the world is the do-unto-others-test, which I usually think of as the shoe on the other foot test. One can discover a lot of moral and ethical rules -- and separate out actual rules of good behavior from self-serving rationalizations designed to punish one's enemies -- by always asking, "Would I support this rule if I were forced to live under it?"
The trouble is, of course, the left is almost never asked to wear the shoe on their own foot. They think censorship, Speechcraft Trials, and mob justice for Thought Heretics is just awesome.
And why shouldn't they? These things are almost never visited upon they themselves-- they have only the upside of a dark, censorious, paranoid regime. Almost all of the downside falls upon their enemies-- just where they'd want it.
So the question is, and this is where I depart from Cooke, how best to secure an open, vibrant and, I'll say it, sophisticated public culture? I disagree that this will arise from treating the left as we would wish to be treated. The left is unscrupulous, nasty, and often borderline insane, and will take the benefit of that bargain every time.
Punish my enemies with Speechcraft Trials while my enemies scrupulously refrain from doing the same to me? Yes, please! No, the right way to bring about a more open, permissive, and adult tone in civic culture is to treat the left according to its own obscene rules, while always making it clear: We are prepared to abandon these darkly stupid rules you've constructed the minute you agree to do the same, Genius.
You may wonder why I am still so opposed to demagoging ordinary civilians: Well, because they're ordinary civilians. Bernie Sanders is not an ordinary civiilian, he is a politician, and a well-compensated and donor-cash-rich avatar for Social Justice. He also has a Big Microphone, unlike your average everyday citizen caught up in a Social Justice Lyniching.
As I've said before -- I support political tactics, such as whipping up public opinion against someone, in actual political circumstances, with respect to actual political actors (including the undisclosed lobbyists of the media) -- but not in everyday life.
People don't like the Tit For Tat regime because it sounds simple-minded, punitive, and awful. Well, it is these things. It is also, as Steven den Beste persuasively argued, very effective for bringing about a more ethical environment. Meaning that while it may be crude in method, it is enlightened in outcome.![]()
(from Bernie Sanders' collection of classic 8-tracks)
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