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Off Topix is a well established general discussion forum that originally opened to the public way back in 2009! We provide a laid back atmosphere and our members are down to earth. We have a ton of content and fresh stuff is constantly being added. We cover all sorts of topics, so there's bound to be something inside to pique your interest. We welcome anyone and everyone to register & become a member of our awesome community.

share your plans ?


Aw, awww!
Thread Creator
Do you always share your plans with other people? What kind of plans do people keep secret? Why don't they want to tell other people what they are planning?
Because knowledge is power, and humans don't like to share power.
Not really to strangers or maybe even acquaintances, but I'll generally share them with my best friend to keep him in the now.
Nah, I don't really talk about whats going on in my life or what I have planned too much. I'd rather tell people about what I did after the fact.
Yes, I like publicity and attention, so of course I'm going to advertise 'em.
Just.. deny them? Say no? It's that easy
Not really. I used to post my plans on Facebook and my brother would invite himself on stuff I was going to go do. He'd just show up at the place I was going to be even. I love him because he is my brother but he can be annoying and kills the vibe.

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