For me, it's not so much about money and jealousy as it's about abuse. I don't know why, but, in my country, it is considered normal and socially acceptable for pater familias to physically and emotionally abuse his wife and child(ren) for any reason he sees fit, or for no reason whatsoever, just because he has the "right" to do so and feels like it. In the absence of pater familias, mother takes over the beating "duty".
My mother had an interesting strategy. She would pin me to the wall so I couldn't escape, cover my mouth with one hand so that no one would hear me screaming in pain and savagely beat me with her other hand, either empty hand or with some solid object, like a thick wooden stick. Why, you may wonder, dear reader? Usually for some ridiculous reason, like me being too young to know how to write and / or properly tie my own shoelaces, nothing that would constitute as misbehavior, or something worse.
On paper, ergo in theory, society condemns such behavior, but in reality, they silently tolerate and passively encourage it by not doing anything about it under the pretext that family matters are not their business and that everyone are free to do whatever they want within the confines of their house walls, as long as no one outside of it sees or hears anything. As the certain bartender from Nar Shaddaa would say:
I am yet to encounter so much as one married couple who doesn't abuse each other in some way, where at least one person hasn't regretted getting married, but often won't get a divorce either, because it's also something the society doesn't approve of lightly.
Since it is de facto implied that such behavior is normal and encouraged in family life, why would I want a family? Why would I purposely open my door to such lifestyle? This question is rhetorical, of course.