...you know, the more I read this, the more I have to admit that I'm starting to think Ted Cruz isn't the blithering idiot that people - myself included, I'm sad to say - have made him out to be...
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) last week compared net neutrality to Obamacare after President Obama announced his support for regulations to maintain net neutrality. In a Thursday op-ed for the Washington Post, Cruz painted rules that would keep Internet providers from offering two different speeds of service to websites as oppressive regulations. "Government-regulated utilities invariably destroy innovation and freedom," he wrote.
On Sunday, Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) called Cruz out and explained that net neutrality "is about reclassifying something so it stays the same." He said that the regulations would not keep companies from innovating. "He has it completely wrong and he just doesn't understand what this issue is," Franken said about Cruz.
But on Monday, Cruz continued to harp on net neutrality.
He joined Vine to tell people, #DontMessWithTheNet, and put together a video response to Franken.
The video includes Franken's Sunday comments, followed by a clip from a speech Cruz gave on Friday in Austin. Cruz said that government regulation "calcifies everything." "The innovation is happening without having to go to government regulators and say, 'Mother, may I?'" he said, arguing that net neutrality would inhibit innovation.(Talking Points Memo)