New song lyrics. I can't get the audio from Hotmail onto my computer to get it online
So you'll all just have to wait.. In the mean time you can read the lyrics to 2 of our new songs if you wish
The Devil Came Down to Cromer.
As I was walking all alone after a gig on Cromer pier,
I heard a sound from underground that filled me full of fear.
I thought it might have something to do with the 15 pints of beer,
But one thing that I did know was I had to get out of there.
So I turned around and made my way back to solid soil,
When I looked beneath the pier and saw the sea had begun to boil.
An evil light was rising from the depths as if from Hell,
And the noise was growing louder as the flames began to swell.
I’d almost made it off the pier when an explosion knocked me down,
There stood Old Nick with a glowing pick and a skull encrusted crown.
In one hand he held a banjo that dripped with human blood,
And I stood there rooted to the spot surrounded by the flood.
He smiled at me and said with glee “Hey Son, I heard you play,
But you Norfolk boys should stick to wrestling your sisters in the hay.
And I know I can outplay you any night and any day,
And if you lose, well then I choose your soul to take away”.
Every part of me just wanted to turn and run and scream,
But my nerves were growing bigger like I was having a crazy dream.
So I stood up on a wooden bench and looked him in the eye
and said “I accept your challenge matey boy and if I win you die”.
So the Devil began to play …………………..
When he’d finished the Devil looked at me with a deadly grin,
“You can still quit, you little shit unless you think you’ll win”.
But confident I stepped up and unleashed my 5 stringed sword,
I flipped him a big old V sign and I played the Devil’s chords ….
I must admit, he’s good Old Nick he won it fair and square,
And now I’m sat in the flames below with vipers in my hair.
For eternity I have to play a banjo that’s on fire,
With tuning pegs of my own flesh and strings of garrotte wire.
And every say I hear him play that bluegrass straight from hell,
And how I wish my fellow dogs had been there when I fell.
At least then when I’m burning I wouldn’t be alone,
And then we’d learn the Devil’s tunes as we watched him on his throne.