Some of the comments, @Dead2009 and @PGen98 ...
--Not only was it clear, I'd argue that fan was mic'ed better than Jay White was.
--Wait n see next week on dynamite jay white Vs fan....5star banger written all over ya
--I'm waiting for the garbage being thrown in the ring just like wcw
--The garbage is already in the ring. That’s the problem.
--I said that to myself many times over, and the most logical explanation I could come up with was that the arena that they were performing at had to have been of a light capacity. So much so that that the hecklers response echoed as well as it did.
--Not sure what show this was but there were 2588 tickets distributed during for this week’s Dynamite, according to Wrestletix. The seating chart made it look so empty.
--Have you ever heard the expression "So quiet, you can hear a pin drop"? That's where AEW's audience is right now. You can hear a pin scrape against air molecules in that arena. Even the landing would sound like a bomb going off.
Etc., etc., etc...