Further proof that humor is the best weapon against ignorance.
When Catholic Vote, a US-based organisation who describe themselves as a ‘conservative, non-profit political advocacy group’ released an anti-gay marriage video dressed up as a coming out story, people were understandably upset and pretty mad.
The video, which is entitled Not Alone, which uses sexual appropriation as a device, features six people coyly ‘coming out’ and admitting that despite being normal, loving people, who believe in equality for all (and even have gay friends! Imagine!) they are, well, er, against gay marriage.
It’s all pretty disturbing really, and as one online commentator concisely notes, ‘Wow, these disgusting homophobes are now playing the victim card?’
But before you slip into a pool of doom, there is light at the end of the tunnel, as someone has created the most hilarious (and most importantly clever) alternative video.
The alternative video by Soundly Awake brilliantly apes the Catholic Vote film, and features classic lines such as ‘So just be you… unless you’re black. Or Asian, ‘ and ‘Nobody’s views should be suppressed. Especially if they oppress marginalized groups of people.’
Check out the videos below. In order. And prepare for your faith in humanity to be crushed, and then spectacularly restored.
Not Alone, Catholic Vote
Not Alone (Alternate version), Soundly Awake