What type of customer are you?
* Know exactly what they want
* Make purchase decisions quickly
* Don't take a lot of time to browse
* Are direct and businesslike
* Will often straightforwardly ask for what they want
* Make decisions quickly
* Shop leisurely
* Like to browse
* Ask few questions
* Like purchases to be noticed
Fact Finder
* Look for information
* Like to see variety
* Often comparison shop
Practical or Frugal
* Are very cautious with their money
* Want the best possible value for every dollar they spend
* Like the simple uncluttered life
* Dislike experimenting with new products
* Do their research on products beforehand
* Are confident about their choices before even coming in contact with salespeople
* Spend for quality because they want the best
* Disagreeable
* Dishonest
* Domineering/superior
* Suspicious
* Know exactly what they want
* Make purchase decisions quickly
* Don't take a lot of time to browse
* Are direct and businesslike
* Will often straightforwardly ask for what they want
* Make decisions quickly
* Shop leisurely
* Like to browse
* Ask few questions
* Like purchases to be noticed
Fact Finder
* Look for information
* Like to see variety
* Often comparison shop
Practical or Frugal
* Are very cautious with their money
* Want the best possible value for every dollar they spend
* Like the simple uncluttered life
* Dislike experimenting with new products
* Do their research on products beforehand
* Are confident about their choices before even coming in contact with salespeople
* Spend for quality because they want the best
* Disagreeable
* Dishonest
* Domineering/superior
* Suspicious