Okay, I don't know what I'm supposed to do!! My parents got a divorce last year and my dad recently got remarried. The divorce didn't bother me much...he's not my real dad (stepdad...but he did adopt me when I was like...5 or so haha) and he ticked me off majorly during the months leading up to the divorce, so I was kind of happy about it. I have 5 brothers and the two oldest boys are my full brothers and the other three are half. The older two boys are on the same boat as me. The three of us don't spend weekends at his house like the youngest three. Only time I ever stayed at his house was last October when the three of us older ones went just because he was taking us to Six Flags. The two older boys have been back there the week they got married (all 5 boys went...I was in Kentucky lol) and I think they went again because my mom made them...not sure. Anyway, I've gotten out of any time they want me to go somewhere with him and his wife because I babysit most weekdays and most weekends. The only thing that really pisses me off isn't that he got remarried and stuff, but it's who he got remarried to. His new wife turned 21 in February of this year...he turned 35 in March. I'm not sure what really makes me so mad, but that's one of the reasons, I know. Another reason is that he just tries to buy me and the older two of my brothers, like with Six Flags. Any time he comes to town, he takes us to the movies and stuff. Me and the two make fun of his little wife and call her a baby and stuff because she freakin acts like a baby and she needs to grow up. I've been ignoring him...took them both off my friends list on Facebook...ignored them when they tried to add me back...he's been texting me nonstop for the past 30 minutes and I think that's what ticked off this little rant...he kept on asking what he did wrong and why I don't talk to him and stuff and I replied with 1-2 word answers when I felt like it and he was all like you're still my little girl and inside (I didn't say this to him) I was like first of all, I'm not yours, and second of all, I'm 17, I'm not little anymore. I told my mom how I felt about him and she agreed...of course.
But she asked me why I wouldn't talk to him and stuff and I said that he's like a freakin pedophile and stuff and I didn't want to talk to him.
Hm...I think I feel better now. XD Had to type that out somewhere.

Hm...I think I feel better now. XD Had to type that out somewhere.