Melody said:
[quote name='Nebulous']Ok.. I dont get how that is an argument to what I said though. I said 21 for everything! But it was just a joke
Good idea for a debate though:
Ok right, I'm a 15 year old boy. I've had the few odd girlfriends, Good ''girl'' friends. I've done stuff with girls, for example, masterbating each other with different parts of the body. But i've never went the full way, because i full well know that a) It's idiotic, I can wait untill i'm ready to face the circumstances of what if's...
I'm no good role model for the young ones out there. C)
Girls shouldn't want to have sex at this age, If they do. They are flipping hoe bags. Just my opinion. I don't mean to affend anyone.[/quote]
Your opinion, whether right or not, you shouldn't be the one to judge.
Subz said:
I totally disagree with underage sex, laws are their for a rason, just imagine if you got reported for underage sex, you would be arrested for rape and go on the sex offenders liost, do you really want that? never really have a good shot at getting a job because of your criminal record?
So then why does the law vary? Why is some countries execution before marriage, and others are as low as 12? What is the right age in your opinion? Let's put it this way, in Pakistan (or some other middle east country) has a law against sex at all until marriage. Canada it was 14 up until a year ago. A 16 year old can sleep with a 14 year old in Canada, (now 18-16) but in Pakistan a 40 year old non-married man may be killed? Just something to ponder.
Subz said:
If the girl is underage its rape, whether she consented to having sex or not
In the laws eyes, yes. Do you feel this is right? Defend.
+shadow said:
It seems children are having children as the 21st Century gets older... This is not good at all... Children should be doing children stuff and have fun while their childhood lasts not have to worry about taking care of a child/children...
People row up at different ages. Whats saying what's wrong for someone isn't okay for someone else? There is also near 100% protection. Combine the pill with condoms and pulling out, your chances are around 100 in the whole population of Earth, if all are used properly.
Melody said:
[quote name='Subz']If the girl is underage its rape, whether she consented to having sex or not
Rape is sex, WITHOUT CONSENT.[/quote]
In the eye of the law, someone under the age of consent does not have the capability to consent to sex. Hence the name Age of consent.
Forgot about this thread for a little while. Thought I'd catch up.