Justifiable Homicide: Black youth in peril, 'An Executive Decision'
-Part 2 Continued
By The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan | Last updated: Sep 30, 2014
The policy paper titled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,” is the “white paper” of the neoconservatives in their Project for a New American Century. On page 60 it states: “The art of warfare will be vastly different than it is today. Combat likely will take place in new dimensions. Advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes, may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”
A genotype is, “A race or a kind; it is the fundamental constitution of an organism in terms of its hereditary factors.” This means that these wise scientists of death are making pathogens, which is something that can cause a disease. They are creating this as a means of depopulating our planet of undesirables, a process called culling the population. To cull means: “To pick out; to select in order to discard or destroy; to discard or destroy unwarranted parts; something rejected as not being up to standard.” So, if you are poor and ignorant; if you are Black or Brown, you are being selected for destruction.
Means and methods of depopulation
What is the method that they are going to use to depopulate? Through civil wars in which depleted uranium and Agent Orange are used. Currently, there are 39 states in America that have already been polluted by depleted uranium. Look at the target areas: El Salvador—what is there in El Salvador that America wants? It is oil. America already has a military base, embassy, and CIA operatives working to kill off the Indigenous population so that nobody can threaten their takeover of oil.
Another method is disease infection through bio-weapons such as Ebola and AIDS, which are race targeting weapons. There is a weapon that can be put in a room where there are Black and White people, and it will kill only the Black and spare the White, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind.
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now you know that calling a report a 'white paper' is racist