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Weather caused my car accident!


Aw, awww!
Thread Creator
Have you (or someone you've known) ever been in a car accident due to weather conditions?

What happened?
My dad has, he was driving on an icy road over a bridge, the tires caught a patch of ice and he slid into a truck. He was fine, thankfully. Knock on wood I haven't had that experience, yet.
My Mom spun out on a mountain pass into a snow bank. Everything was okay for a little while, she was digging one of her rear tires out that was stuck the snow. Another car came along & spun out in the same icy spot & slammed into her. Broken thigh. :cry: That was long ago & she did recover from that. :victory:
Nope, the only car incident I've been in so far was me foolishly running over a bail of hay that caught fire underneath my car.

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