Drinking Coca-Cola is bad, really bad. Yet it tastes so good.
Now someone has finally worked out exactly what happens to your body when you drink it.
And it isn’t good news.
Within 10 minutes of drinking one 330 ml can, 10 teaspoons of sugar will hit your internal system, according to pharmacist Niraj.
The sugar hit is so intense, he says, that you would normally vomit, except the phosphoric acid inside the coke ‘cuts the flavour’ so you can keep the liquid down.
In the next 40 minutes or so your pupils will dilate, your blood sugar will spike and you’ll get a huge caffeine hit.
After 60 minutes and the ‘rave’ inside of you is complete, you will crash, need to pee, and become irritable. You’ll probably want another coke.
The pharmacist said: ‘Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine.
‘Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.’
Ella Allred, Technical Nutritionist, said: ‘These facts on Coke, may shock you, but it is a good indication as to why we shouldn’t be drinking it. The NHS has just changed the total added sugar allowance from 10 teaspoons per day to 7.5 teaspoons per day.’
A Coca-Cola spokesperson told Metro.co.uk: ‘People have enjoyed drinking a Coca-Cola for more than 129 years. Like all soft drinks, it is perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle. We provide a choice of colas to meet the needs of different consumers, including options that are lower sugar, sugar free and caffeine free.’
Do you drink Coca-Cola?