Pornocracy, saeculum obscurum
"Saeculum Obscurum" is a German 'extreme' metal band whose new album Into the Depths of Oblivion has recieved some favorable reviews. They took their name precisely because of the following classic meaning.
Historically the Latin phrase for 'dark age' refers to the century or so in Rome, from around 850 (possibly beginning with the "Cadaver Synod") to 1050 AD, where everybody who was anybody was so corrupt the civil government, as well as the Vatican, that both essentially ceased to function in any meaningful way and was only saved after foreign intervention cleaned house, including running one of the worst Popes in history, Benedict IX (he had been installed three times!), out of the country.
The English word is from the Greek term for "a government of prostitutes", or "harlots rule", or something of that nature. In our current case, it is a fair description of the majority of elected officials in the US Government where those in office, as well as those seeking said offices sell their influence, vote, morals, and everything else possible for fun and profit, and campaign donations. What it boils down to is that not only are they Whores, they are criminals. See: Congress.
The term Does Not Mean any of the following: 'government sponsored erotica', 'the E-board of the Sex Workers Union', 'smut-site-webmasters who are running for State Assembly as a Democrat', 'a TV reality show based on an sex film producer', 'President Clinton's memoir', 'angry German death metal campaign songs', or even 'Cicciolina for Prime Minister'. See: Cicciolina, and related topics.