What was your first ever relationship like?
Did you ask them out or did they ask you out? How long were you together for? How did the break up happen?
I was 16 and he was 20. Technically we didn't start 'dating' until about a year later. He was sweet, funny, and kind. We have a lot in common. Around the time I was about 19 or 20, I started to realize there was something wrong with me and I was just getting irritated with things, him not listening to things I had asked him to stop doing, generally feeling like I didn't want to be in a relationship. I ended it and he was not happy. We didn't talk for at least a year, but it's been ages since then and we're still friends. I talk to him on almost a daily basis. We've hung out, been on vacations together, helped him out when he needed a place to crash (not his fault, there was an accident and he was displaced).
I always thought there was just something wrong with me and I was fucked in the head. Turns out, I'm not a very romantic person
and asexual (though not totally aro). He wanted a physical relationship along with everything else and I did not, but I couldn't articulate that to him and I wasn't sure why. I felt like I needed to be alone and figure things out. I was comparing myself to my brothers who always seemed to need to be in relationships. constantly comparing myself to people only to figure out what it really was in the end.
My ex still doesn't really understand that (I don't think he does, anyway, since our relationship at the time was different and we did do stuff physically), but he doesn't seem to care. It hasn't affected our friendship. We still talk and laugh and I'm grateful he's still in my life. He's truly a good person and I hope I can continue to be his friend for a long time to come.