Overall I love my personally owned business. But the one thing I hate to do several times a year is be involved in a court ordered eviction that the bank or real estate company has me do. I have to meet the police officer to remove them from the home and change out the locks. And this happens almost all the time because the renter can no longer pay for there rent. I had a depressing one on Monday that when I get there at 9 a.m. to meet the Sheriff the mom is crying in tears and can't stop. The 9 year old daughter is in pajamas looking confused. The grandma living with them looks so sad. And there dog gets loose just as I pull up and I help them recover it. All there belongings they have put on the road waiting for the uhaul but with nowhere to go. Just SAD! But the cop was nice and very helpful finding them a charity organization that would give them a helping hand.
So what do you hate most about your job.
So what do you hate most about your job.