i've never killed anything more highly advanced than a reptile intentionally. nailed a few birds and dogs with vehicles here and there. not many, but enough to remember. a pheasant hit the side of the motor home coming out of the nevada gathering. we wanted to eat him real badly and pulled over but couldn't find him. ran over a turtle once. that was weird. like driving up on a speed bump that squished.
i was in fog on a central florida road one time and a buzzard flew up into my windshield and almost broadsided a cow that was twice as big as my car that stepped out in front of me not long after that. i was driving a real snappy little 1974 fiat 128 sport coupe at the time. .
an armadillo once just walked out in the middle of my street and wouldn't move until i got out of the car , walked up to him and nudged him with my foot. dumbest animal i've ever seen. didn't budge when i honked the horn or gunned the engine. my roommate had a job filling racks for no nonsense at all the stores in central florida and would just pull over, grab his shotgun barrel, grab them by the tail and beat them to death for some of the greasiest stew i've ever had.
i could go on and on about all kinds of critters i've had close encounters with. a whale even swam alongside u tampa's research vessel when i was at school there and porpoises would frolic around us while we were collecting samples from the flats.
i've never been attacked by any critter and i already told y'all about the owl that let me handle him. so what's your best wild animal story?
i was in fog on a central florida road one time and a buzzard flew up into my windshield and almost broadsided a cow that was twice as big as my car that stepped out in front of me not long after that. i was driving a real snappy little 1974 fiat 128 sport coupe at the time. .
an armadillo once just walked out in the middle of my street and wouldn't move until i got out of the car , walked up to him and nudged him with my foot. dumbest animal i've ever seen. didn't budge when i honked the horn or gunned the engine. my roommate had a job filling racks for no nonsense at all the stores in central florida and would just pull over, grab his shotgun barrel, grab them by the tail and beat them to death for some of the greasiest stew i've ever had.
i could go on and on about all kinds of critters i've had close encounters with. a whale even swam alongside u tampa's research vessel when i was at school there and porpoises would frolic around us while we were collecting samples from the flats.
i've never been attacked by any critter and i already told y'all about the owl that let me handle him. so what's your best wild animal story?