Medium: Why the endless “grind” mindset will be your downfall
Working 18 hours a day is absolutely not possible in any productive manner.
Look at all the celebrated “productive” people, and the advice they give, and you will see endless messages about how you just need to “grind” from the moment you wake up, to the moment you sleep. Elon Musk is a large proponent of this but just think about it — is the person arguing with teenagers on twitter constantly really productive from sunrise to sunset?
I’ll let you in on a secret — having been C-Suite myself, and knowing many top level execs, the truth is they all say they work constantly. This 18 hours of work a day they claim includes dinners every day, flights, socializing in hotel bars, and many hours-long golfing trips with other execs multiple times a month. Every moment they’re awake they claim to be “working”, and in effect this is true — the reason they have their jobs isn’t through some intense technical ability, but rather their ability to make connections and be charismatic. Most of them were merely average at the entry point jobs they originally joined at, but they all rose fast due to their likeability, not their immense productivity...