Now, while we all have writers whose works we simply love to read, there are also writers whose works we tend to avoid...for me, there's a few that come to mind, for various reasons...
In the case of Dan Brown, its' because of the numerous historical inaccuracies in his works (so much so that TV Tropes even has its' own page concerning the various inaccuracies). With GRRM & Anne Rice, its' mainly because of their opposition to fan-fiction works based off of their respective writing universes, though at least GRRM hasn't tried to sue anyone over it, unlike Ms. Rice...

In the case of Orson Scott Card, though, its' for more personal reasons. FWIW, it ain't because of his writing; personally, I think he's one of the better sci-fi writers of the past few decades and odds are, if you glance at most top-10 writers' lists, odds are he's either on those lists, close to being on those lists or near the top of those lists. No, my reason for not reading any of his works has to do with the fact that OSC is one of the more virulent homophoibc bigots to ever walk the face of the earth and though he's "tried" to walk his views back, that overarching fact above remains and although I still own a few of his works (Mainly w/in the Ender's Game universe), it'll be a cold day in hell before I either buy any additional works of his or, for that matter, watch Ender's Game.

So, anyway, what writers do everyone else here tend to avoid?
In the case of Dan Brown, its' because of the numerous historical inaccuracies in his works (so much so that TV Tropes even has its' own page concerning the various inaccuracies). With GRRM & Anne Rice, its' mainly because of their opposition to fan-fiction works based off of their respective writing universes, though at least GRRM hasn't tried to sue anyone over it, unlike Ms. Rice...

In the case of Orson Scott Card, though, its' for more personal reasons. FWIW, it ain't because of his writing; personally, I think he's one of the better sci-fi writers of the past few decades and odds are, if you glance at most top-10 writers' lists, odds are he's either on those lists, close to being on those lists or near the top of those lists. No, my reason for not reading any of his works has to do with the fact that OSC is one of the more virulent homophoibc bigots to ever walk the face of the earth and though he's "tried" to walk his views back, that overarching fact above remains and although I still own a few of his works (Mainly w/in the Ender's Game universe), it'll be a cold day in hell before I either buy any additional works of his or, for that matter, watch Ender's Game.

So, anyway, what writers do everyone else here tend to avoid?