NebulousPrzemyslany4 weeks ago
Lost interest when he started wanking over George Wallace. Wallace began as a racist, but by the end of his career he was getting most of the black vote in Alabama. Political whores, not an unknown phenomenon among the Righteous Black People or the "White People."
There are no "White People" in America. There are Boston Irish, New Jersey Italians, New York Jews, Pennsylvania Germans, Los Angeles Armenians, Texas Mexicans, San Francisco Chinese, Milwaukee Poles, Minnesota Swedes, and Louisiana French. Unlike blacks, The White People do not claim to be a cohesive cultural group with one history. What The White People share, is that we all came from somewhere else and became Americans, all together.
Black people don't find America's real population to be interesting, or worth considering, because it doesn't flatter their black racist narrative. There are no voluntary black immigrants in America, only slaves. The White People are all actual or aspiring slave owners. Brown people, yellow people, are not acknowledged by blacks to be in America or to be real Americans at all.
The only question about black people is, why are they still here? Slavery ended 150 years ago. America is never going to be anything but pain and insult to them. There are flights "home" to dozens of all-black Paradises, every day. Maybe what we need is a "Show black people how to get to the airport" month.