What I mean by lesser known software is using software such as PunBB, FluxBB and other ones that aren't the main popular ones you often see. (Such as Xenforo, MyBB, SMF, vBulletin, and IPB.) I've used a number of different forum software, mainly just to test them out and get a feel for how they work. I love forums and get curious to see all the available options. Out of the alternatives, my favorite is probably either FUD forum or PunBB. PunBB is super lightweight, and loads much faster than other software. The downfall is, there's no typical plugins that come with the original package such as Private Messaging. You have to install a plugin for that feature. FUDforum reminds me of the old versions of vBulletin, at least from a member's point of view. (I've never really tried out old versions of vBulletin from a staff member point of view.) Another con to using software that just isn't as popular or well known, are the number of themes and plugins. You'd have to make your own themes in most cases, or deal with the limited amount of themes.