Wonder how fast the story about the Philly mass shooting will get memory-holed because the suspect doesn't fit the Lying Snake Media's narrative...

Report: Alleged Philadelphia Gunman a Cross-Dresser, BLM Supporter
A report from the Daily Mail says the alleged gunman who killed five in Philadelphia on the eve of Independence Day was a cross-dresser who supported Black Lives Matter.
A report from the Daily Mail says the alleged gunman who killed five in Philadelphia on the eve of Independence Day was a cross-dresser who supported Black Lives Matter (BLM).
Breitbart News pointed to initial reports that four people were killed in the attack and four more injured. A total of six of the wounded and injured had been shot, the other injuries occurred while trying to escape the scene. The Daily Mail noted that the death toll rose to five, with four men killed and a 15-year-old boy. They observed that alleged shooter, Kimbrady Carriker, was armed with a rifle and a handgun.
The Daily Mail explained that “Facebook posts from March 2022 show Carriker dressed as a woman, wearing a bra, hooped earrings and gold bracelets.”
He had also posted articles to Facebook that focused on an “evil spirit” and how to tell if such a spirit was following you. When on social media, Carricker “regularly posted about supporting Black Lives Matter.”
He is under arrest and “facing multiple murder charges.”