I have the absolute BEST dreams!! I remember so many of them and what's neat is that sometimes I can re-dream them and explore beyond the original...think of it as a dream series!
What I love about my dreams is that I get to explore other areas, other worlds even and being other people.
I should keep a dream journal, but wow, it would take so long to write them down that I'd not go back to sleep after writing.
Some of my dreams are even multi-tasking where I start a dream in one world and then in a bit I moved onto a different type of dream, but eventually I'll go back to that first world at some point. So I'm dreaming multiple dreams in a way.
The prophetic dreams seem to bother me the most, you know, airplanes crashing and then it happens the next day. It's been a while since I've had those because I really hate them. They aren't fun like my other dreams.