GREELEY, Colo. - School officials in northern Colorado are asking parents to be careful with their newly legal recreational marijuana, after fourth-graders were caught dealing the drug on an elementary school campus.
John Gates, director of safety for Weld County School District 6, said Wednesday that the students involved, three 10-year-old boys and a 10-year-old girl at Greeley's Monfort Elementary School, faced tough discipline but not suspension or expulsion. He would not elaborate on their punishment.
The marijuana appears to have been legally purchased by adults - grandparents in two families - and no charges were expected to be filed, Gates said. He said the parents of the students were concerned and working with the school on discipline.
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So, they're not going to be suspended or face expulsion for dealing a potentially lethal drug to other children. Doesn't this give carte blanche to other children to do this too? Also the adults who left the marijuana where children could get it, they get away scott free too. Something wrong with this picture or is it only me?