That does sound like it'd be quite funny to read. Especially when you got a case of one member versus a half a dozen other members! I guess my thing is I don't particularly like public shaming like that, especially if it's in the form of hacking forums, and what made me think of this is one forum I'm a member of, someone will create a thread saying, oh, so and so's site got hacked and this is who's behind it! All it does in that case is fuel up the member in question, and he even turned against the forum in question and started blaming staff members for his dirty work. Everyone knows it's him but he's always saying, oh, don't worry, authoirties have been informed and actions will be taken against this person so this is actually why I don't allow threads of forums being hacked or whatever. We have enough to worry about without someone starting a story about a site being hacked.