I probably drink more than anybody else on this board.
I haven't been in a bar in probably twenty years, and then, I was there A Lot because I was on the maintenance crew for the hotel it was in... so I never drank when there!
I know when to stop, so I haven't been 'drunk' in ages.
Such as when I spent six months writing an in depth study of the Minor Prophets. They needed A LOT of BOOZE. Especially Zechariah. I think my kinsman of old HATES ME, but he did have a sense of humor about the whole thing. (see reference in "how did you get through it" here:
http://centralparkchurchofchrist.org/minorprophets/bookof12.htm )
Booze is more effective as a pain reliever for the arthritis I have in my knee and shoulder than any over the counter meds, and has fewer side effects than any of the prescriptions the various physicians I've seen tried to put me on.
What do I drink? straight High Test Bourbon.... Wild Turkey 101, Ezra Brooks 99, Evan Williams 86.... all the way down to whatever that was on the bottom shelf I bought the week before payday. The only mixer I use is an ice cube or two.
That, and real beer. I do not want blueberries, maple syrup, coffee, or birthday cake flavor in my beer, or my whisky.
Right Dean?