Not my ex sister in law. She's with an illegal immigrant from Mexico just because she has no where else to go. He works and she sponges off of him and stays home all of the time. During my divorce, my ex wife went and lived with her for a bit while she cheated on Arturo every chance she got and they separated for a while. She'd go on Plenty of Fish and invite men over to the duplex that Arturo was still paying rent on to have hook ups every other night. I'm not even sure Arturo's daughter is legitimately his. She fucks around so much as it is and him being illegal, he can't take her to court or do anything without being detained and held in a prison until he's deported. He couldn't order a paternity test if he wanted to. She's got so much control over him that it's just not healthy for either of him. When he found out she was cheating on him, he beat 8 shades of shit out of her and got the cops called on a domestic case. If you ask me, him going back to Mexico would be best thing for him and forgetting Ashley ever existed. All she's done is turn him into a horrible person.