Absolutely agree! Then get government out of all forms of education. The moment government got involved and started giving out loans they ruined the free market system in education and ruined college and how it was affordable for most. Colleges immediately raised prices because the government was going to hand out loans willy nilly to everyone.
And now we have sooooooooi many people who have no business being in college because it just isn’t the right fit for them.
Trade schools like airplane mechanics, plumbing, electrical, car mechanic and the endless choices are fantastic pay, relatively cheap to learn in school and pretty much untouched by government.
Government created the crisis and government made it worse and middle class people shouldn’t have to pay for one penny of it.
Hell I’m completely against all of this government handout country destroying shit, but how about this money for a medical account for every AMERICAN citizen in poverty and put something like $50,000 in a account under there name and can only be used for specific medical issues. But this doesn’t grow government so actually helping people is not what they want, this is a voting scheme.