Good evening everyone hope you had a good day

I think this my favorite smiley on here:![]()
It’s a good one!
omg I am never eating from del taco EVER again
There’s bad ones in the area but that one location in my town is always good.
We still got a few of them in town; that's where I bought a relatively cheap (40-inch Phillips for $100 dollars) television over the holidays.
Yeah that part of the county is stuck in the 90s

Oh no!I must be having bad luck because now my coca cola can EXPLODED all OVER my desk!!!!!!!

my sleep schedule is all over the place once again we love it here
Sorry to hear that! Hope you can get some rest

wow i can relate you will not believe this
Not long ago, actually, it was today.
I received a delivery from Amazon two 10 packs of canned drinks.
When I went outside to grab the box, it was wet. I put the box on the bench and, as I tried to open it, the box broke due to the moisture, and some cans were broken inside.
They ended up falling from the bench, and one even exploded. All the cans scattered on the floor, creating a huge puddle of drinks, and made a a mess on the rag and floor and so on.
I had quite an adventure trying to stop a spinning can from making everything even wetter.
It gave me a nice shower. 🚿
It was quite a scene. I can totally understand what you went through
What a mess!

Weather is bad out. It iced over and neither my wife or I can drive in this weather. My wife packed some clothes and had someone pick her up because she drove in and out of a ditch before deciding to call into her work, so she might be spending the night there which sucks. On the bright side my boss told me I didn't have to come in today, which is great because I'm not.
Better safe than sorry! Glad you’re both some place safe.
@Nebulous What party you been to?
I hosted a party at my house over the weekend, so I was at the one at my house. Lots of good food, drinks and good people. Good times.
Travel in horrible weather is a treacherous ordeal as it is!
sure is, so dangerous.

I have a few chin hairs that keeps growing back every time I pluck them
Why will it not stop?!!!!!!!!
It’s part of being a person I suppose.
I wish he will hurry up and text me![]()
Sorry, I just texted you

…did you get it?

All good, I swear a lot while cleaning up the mess,