+freezy said:
seasidemike said:
Raven said:
Should be TERRORISTS do not believe in 'free speech'
Not just terrorists, there is a Muslim professor in one of the Universities here in Dublin threatening that the Irish Muslim community will take the Irish newspapers to court on racism charges if they reprint any of Charlie's cartoons.
So it is not just Terrorist that do not believe in freedom if speech it is Muslims in general.
don't all religious groups and non-religious groups do the same to people/media they dislike?
Since when did the average Christian or Jewish person/religious leader threaten to kill someone for mocking Christian or Jewish figures, ideas or thoughts?

...yet, God forbid, we should make the least bit of fun about the Mohammedans, Justice....well, all I got to say about that is, to borrow the words of Bob Beckel, "Fatwa this!"