Look let's keep it real here. Put crass politics aside for a minute o.k.? Since the old guy took office have things gotten better? Gas prices are up, grocery prices have sky rocketed. Crime is waaaaay up as are mass shootings. The border crisis is out of control and the world is on fire with various wars.
If you can't vote Republican can you not just stay home in November and sit this one out? Put the old geezer in a wheelchair with a nice warm blanket over his legs. Give him a tube of Polygrip for his teeth, a blue Viagra tablet so that he can spend some quality time with the wife, and sow his name on to his nightrobe so that he doesn't forget his name.
The old guy has to go...it's a must!
If you can't vote Republican can you not just stay home in November and sit this one out? Put the old geezer in a wheelchair with a nice warm blanket over his legs. Give him a tube of Polygrip for his teeth, a blue Viagra tablet so that he can spend some quality time with the wife, and sow his name on to his nightrobe so that he doesn't forget his name.
The old guy has to go...it's a must!
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