Townhall: DC Police Employee on Concealed Carry: "The Second Amendment Was Written For When The British Were Coming", there must be some really special kinds of stupid up there, even for the District of Columbia...
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....then when she went to get a concealed carry permit, it got interesting:, there must be some really special kinds of stupid up there, even for the District of Columbia...

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Back in July the Washington D.C. ban on concealed and open carry of handguns was struck down by U.S. District Judge Frederick Scullin as unconstitutional. As a result, the DC City Council reluctantly voted to approve concealed carry, giving the power of writing the rules and regulations to the Washington D.C. police. Now, those rules have been written and they're impossible to follow.
Investigative reporter Emily Miller and author of Emily Gets Her Gun has started the process of applying for a concealed carry permit in the District.
--(Miller) I am a registered gun owner, but I feel that I'm in more danger on the streets of Washington, D.C. than inside my home. So when D.C. recently passed a new law allowing for some rights to carry a gun outside the home, I decided to apply for a permit. I quickly found that it is still impossible to exercise my Second Amendment right to bear arms.
....then when she went to get a concealed carry permit, it got interesting:
...there are no words here....none, whatsoever. Thoughts?What she has found so far about the process is enraging. Currently, D.C. police are failing to comply with the court order and the required training that is only available through the D.C. police hasn't been set up yet. Further, the chief-of-police will determine who has enough evidence and justification for "needing" a concealed carry permit. Living in a high crime area with regular occurrences of rape and murder doesn't count.
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To make things worse, during an interview a D.C. police department employee essentially argued that Second Amendment rights don't apply in D.C. because they were written "for when the British were coming." For the record, "the British were coming" (a reference from Paul Revere's famous ride) in 1775. The Second Amendment wasn't written until 1787. Yes, we fought the British again for the War of 1812, but that isn't why the Amendment was written.