The democrat party loves them radicals. As I said they always like to support these kinds of people instead of a Constitutional Conservative.
With the murderous Muslim attack on the French newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, we find that the Democrat Party worked with and featured a young man named Zaid Jilani, an anti-Semitic, terror-loving Muslim who the Democrat’s claimed was a successful “youth activist” worthy of highlighting.
Jilani has a long leftist pedigree in the USA. He worked for the far, far left, Obama supporting group The Center For American Progress and he was a writer for their left-wing, attack website He is also part of the draft Elizabeth Warren for President committee, and is a writer for the liberal website
Daniel Greenfield found a Tweet from Jilani showing that he loves how effective terrorists are…
Naturally as soon as Greenfield highlighted the Tweet, Jilani deleted it and tried to send his celebration of terrorism down the memory hole.
Too late.
As it turns out, this is the same Zaid Jilani who was so filled with hate for Jews that even the extremists at Think Progress became uneasy enough with him that they fired him as a writer, as Greenfield notes.
But none of this kept the Democrat Party from celebrating Jilani as a wonderful example of a “youth activist.”