Whenever I was younger, I found my restlessness was beginning to poke and prod at me to the point that it was becoming uncontrollable. I felt really frustrated, as if water was rushing against the doors of my conscious-thought, endlessly splashing against my psyche, but I found that keeping a journal was a good way to "open the floodgates" every now and again.
More recently, I have starting to write a novel called That Sammy Kid that will basically articulate how I spent most of my Senior year. Make no mistake about it, it will be billed as a fictional-narrative, however, there are conversations that actually happened in that book. In-fact, in one of my English classes, I had to write a Senior Project, which is basically a shortened version of a biography. I think that a lot of what appeared in there will find its way to the book. Not only that, but essays and poetry will also find a way to the book.
I look at it as a very personal introduction to anyone that might want to take a look at my works. I'll probably publish it for free on my website when it's finished and work from there.