One of the definitions of "abuse" is "to commit sexual assault upon".You stated as such, when you stated that child "abuse" is not a "bad" thing. "Abuse" infers "bad", by mere definition OF the terms; by removing "bad" from "abuse", (child/self/system) "abuse" can NOT exist, as there is no longer anything "abusive" about it.
You're welcome, again.

I was questioning whether according to God's moral compass that is a bad thing. I mean, considering that He he never mentions anything against it in the Bible, and the Bible is pretty specific about most things related to society (e.g.: marriage, divorce, food, clothing, homosexuality, even haircuts).
Oh, and accidentally skipping a letter is a word is different from not knowing how to spell.
P.S.: I love how you have to use the 'you're welcome' thing to cover up how insecure you are in this debate... :tongue: