Just when you think society’s embraced homosexuality, some bigot pipes up.
A man refused to let a stylist cut his son’s hair because he was gay.
Outrage ensued, obviously, and Russell Paul Hairdressing in Prestatyn, Wales, has had enough.
Owner Russell Hughes has put up a sign in his window reading: ‘If you are racist, sexist, homophobic or an a**hole…don’t come in.’
The 49-year-old said: ‘It was a normal busy day at the salon when a man called in with his wife and child, who must have been about ten-years-old.
‘The man came up to me at that point and said “I’m not being funny but did you just say that lad’s going to cut my son’s hair”.
‘He then said “well I assume he’s gay and I don’t want him cutting my lad’s hair so could you do it”, to which I said no because I’m gay as well.’
Russell said the man stood up and left without another word, but the exchange left staff shocked.
Afterwards, Russell posted about the incident on the salon’s Facebook page, attracting a huge response from enraged customers and members of the community.