While here in America we are trying to destroy the very foundation of what gives us those freedoms we can look towards the middle east, Russia and other countries they never seem to stop defending from those people right here. You step on peoples beliefs and try and subdue those beliefs enough revenge comes. Just a warning to those same people right here.

Non-believers and non-religious people say they are being targeted by "hate campaigns" in countries around the world, as a distinct minority group, a new report has found.
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The report claims that the "hate speech" against atheists does not come exclusively from reactionary or radical religious leaders, but increasingly from political leaders, including heads of State.
The report is published on December 10 by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), the Freedom of Thought Report.
It states: "In 2014, in addition to laws such as those targeting "apostasy" and "blasphemy", we have seen a marked increase in specific targeting of "atheists" and "humanism."
In countries, such as Russia, where communist ideology has been replaced by Orthodox Christianity which dominated before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution, any public expression of atheist views can be equated with blasphemy and criminalized, Reuters news agency reported.
While Liberals Fret Over “Torture,” Islamists Murder Gays
While sanctimonious liberals like Diane Feinstein and John McCain expressed their outrage that some Mohammedan terrorists were forced to wear diapers and deprived of sleep, the Mohammedan terrorists whose comfort concerns them so much apparently did this…
The Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria on Tuesday posted photographs appearing to show jihadists throw a “gay” off a rooftop and then stoning him to death.
“The Islamic court in Wilayet al-Furat decided that a man who has practised sodomy must be thrown off the highest point in the city, and then stoned to death,” read a statement accompanying the images.
I guess I care as little about the humiliation of Mohammedan terrorists as the left does about conservatives who were harassed by Obama’s IRS, or the 300 Mexicans and 2 border agents killed with guns the Obama administration supplied to Mexican drug cartels.
And I would bet some lefty troll is reading this and thinking, “OK, Islamists stoning gay people to death is pretty bad; but Christians refusing to bake cakes for gay weddings is equally bad.”