1. I agree that there are issues with the #believewomen movement. I was immediately suspicious the moment that the movement's orginal focus had changed. Especially since any movement started by marginalized groups to call attention to the issues that they faced that are usually ignored, has always been co-opted by non-marginalized groups and then recentered on them and the next thing you know, the newly revamped organization, no longer includes the very group that the original movement was originally intended for. This is why I support Black Lives Matter the movement, but not the organization.. because there is a difference.
Gloria Steinem was a Trojan horse and FBI informant in the 60s and was integral in uniting the White feminists with the Civil Rights Movement and today's equivalent would be Alyssa Milano with Tarana Burke's Me Too movement. Soon after Milano got involved, after originally and erroneously being credited with starting the movement (before someone else mentioned Burke..) Tarana Burke sold out similar to the founders of Black Lives Matter, and in return, she got her millions, and a mansion, Harvey Weinstein's Hollywood victims and Larry Nasser's Olympic victims got their justice, and the BIPOC women who originally supported both Tarana Burke and her Me Too movement got shafted.. and yet another one of our movements has been undermined.. again.
BLM did get some awesome street dancers for the protests and marches for the events protesting and meant for increasing awareness against police brutality and excessive and lethal force used against Black people. But even this hurts the movement because the racist idiots out there will say "see, Black people aren't oppressed, they are twerking at a another protest for some "thug" killed by police."
Which is why we are still fighting for the same rights today that my ancestors did in the 60s.. in the same way that BIPOC women (LGBT+ and not) are still more likely to go missing and are never found.
Then again, history does repeat itself.
2. I am not sure what you are trying to say regarding your ex, but it seems personal. At any rate, if you always respected the wishes of others and got clarification regarding consent then you've nothing to worry about. I am not saying his about you personally, but in general. Your argument for statute of limitations on accusations is interesting because it is incredibly similar to those that are often credibly accused but want to escape consequences of their actions.. such as entitled men that refuse to take no for an answer but still doesn't care and constantly pressures the woman about it until she relents and gives in.
That doesn't mean she wanted it anymore than if the man had a gun to her head when he asked her. In that case, then the accusation is valid because it still involves that person not taking no for an answer. These are also the same guys that come equipped with roofies just in case.
completely understand your point about false accusations and agree to a degree, they have and can be deadly and this is why I don't believe in that particular hashtag, I say this as a Black woman, that is from a group who has been historically affected by false accusations. I say this because of the violent history behind them and of course by the time the evidence has exonerated the accused, it is too late, and there is no justice, this is something that affects all of us, regardless of whether or not we are related to the falsely accused.. then again, trauma does do that to you.
However, it is still within the best of everyone's interest
including the falsely accused to not have a time limit on a claims, because if it means that even if your ex did come forward 23 years later, and you can prove your innocence, then you deserve to go after her too for falsely accusing you. In fact,
I'd personally hope you'd bring the full force of the law with you and win, should you decide to countersue your ex for defamation after you have successfully been exonerated of the original accusation. I say this because rape, is the kind of accusation where, even if you have been proven innocent in the court of law, the damage has already been done in the court of public opinion.
People will still treat you with suspicion and your innocence wouldn't matter, even though it should.. especially if they were previously your friend or worse, related to you. I mean some people still believe that Dick Rowland raped Sarah Page even though not only had he said it wasn't true, but so did Sarah Page and the OKC sherriff's dept.
So even then, the truth didnt matter, but guess what, unlike the victims of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre and their descendants, and the others that occured like it, you will at least be able to get justice against your false accuser, unlike the descendants of these massacres because of those who levied the false accusations that started them. I say this because even false accusations, hurt real victims (be they those who were actually raped, or those falsely accused) too in the same way that bad cops and the unions and precincts that support them, hurt the good cops out there and the entire profession itself.
3. Regarding ACAB, et. al,
You seem to be making a lot of assumptions here. No where in any of my posts, past and present, have I stated ACAB and as far as I can tell, neither has True Legend's or anyone else's. I couldn't say that if I wanted to because
I know for a fact that that isn't true. This is because, I have not encountered all cops on the planet to make that distinction, and most are cops out there, including the good ones
mentioned in this thread, are those who don't meet the criteria, that that moniker is typically used for.
Can you point out where specifically I said that? Otherwise, you will have just inserted words into my posts and
falsely accused me of something I never said nor implied in any of my posts to begin with.
As far as I can tell, up until this post, I have never specifically mentioned it nor implied it. I only posted supporting arguements about what True Legend said, and gave her some insight into why she wasn't wrong when she said what she did about police culture and some facts about why it is. A lot of their silence is because of fear of retaliation and not that they supported it. I then posted examples of the real cops who got fired for doing the right thing in these situations.
The thread isn't derailed at all. I only responded to True Legend
specifically, just as I am now to you, and as she did to me
specifically in the same thread we both responded in. And I did so, because I
wanted to and didn't want to leave her hanging. I don't recall either of us
specifically addressing you.
Lastly, you might want to check out the name of the forum. It is implied an eventuality.. lol if you don't believe me, check out the thrift store thread. We ran the gamut of topics there.. and in other topics and guess what, Nebulous, the owner, participated too and continued it.. and get this, he even asked follow up questions of his own.. and so did members of his staff and no one died and the thread is still in tact.
Isn't that great?
Thusly implying that they are cool with it too and I am sure that had it been a problem, then he or his staff, would have said so, in lieu of continuing the discussion. And besides, this just means that the people here are actually very comfortable with talking to each other which is something that any admin would want.
But hey, I am not one to make assumptions, I am once again just stating the facts and my personal experiences.