Yeah, I did come into contact with both Cory and Helena recently as well. I had a few themes that were coded by me and designed by Jasper (JustGFX 2.0 as an example) that I've considered converting over with help from both of them. Jcink seems to be the closest thing to ZB.I presume it was something to do with however Brandon coded the software. But basically yes, everything in each respective server was all together and the ID numbers of the contents were what were used to connect the data to the correct board.
Yeah, I don't think any other forum network comes close to the level of theme making that ZB had. I know Cory and Helena have worked on converting whatever themes they can over to Jcink, with the most recent ones being worked on being themes made by Eccentric Feline as they managed to get in touch with her to get permission to convert the themes she made. So some of the themes did get to live on beyond ZB thanks to that.