Okay, kind of a weird question, but how do you guys feel about owning your own forum? For me, I started up a forum back in 2008, and I personally would love to own a successful forum, but if it's only going to be an open/close case, then I'm not going to bother, and that's all it's been this last year and a half. I really am sick of opening and closing forums, disappointing you guys, letting myself down when things don't go my way (which, unfortunately, has happened a lot). To an extent, there are times when I wish there weren't any free forum hosts, then people like me wouldn't get into the habit that I've gotten into. It's a crappy habit that I wish I haven't even gotten into. I know now that if I want to own a forum so badly, I should just up and apply for an administrator job elsewhere. Not put in all that time and effort for to just have a board go to waste. So, in all honesty, I really don't care for owning a forum any longer, as I have made too many bad decisions during this last year and a half, and I really am ready to start over and just be a member of forums. It's too much work to maintain and manage a forum, and if mine would've ever gotten active, that would've been way too much for me to handle, even though I would've had co-admins and possibly a moderator. I'm sick of all the decision making, and I wish I never discovered free hosting sites to begin with. I seriously never want to own a forum again, and I need to learn to just sit back, relax, and just post on someone else's forum instead of messing with my own, only to wind up with poor results, or results I wouldn't like. Do you guys enjoy owning a forum?