*reads thread title* ...yeah, I know what you're thinking: what accomplishments?
(Gay Patriot) Well, Hillary made official today what everyone has known since about 1993. Her on-line presidential announcement was delayed by technical problems; but you know how hard it is for elderly people to use the internet. She will be running a campaign based on the fresh, hot new premise that “Democrats are the party of working families, and Republicans favor the wealthy.” Gee, why didn’t anyone think of *that* before. Anyway, there is a criticism out there among racist, sexist, cis-gendered, heteronormative right wing nutjobs that Hillary doesn’t have any actual accomplishments. Sure, she was a Senator, and Secretary of State… but both of those were solely because she was married to Bill Clinton; and it is said that in each of those positions, she accomplished Jack Squat.
I take issue with that. I can point to several accomplishments by our new distinguished Democrat front-runner.
- She gave Russia a big red button that said “Overcharge” on it; also the Crimea.
- She managed to lose $6 Billion of taxpayer money while Secretary of State, and I mean, totally lost… as in nobody has any idea WTF happened to it. It’s just gone.
- She kept a man who raped a 12 year old girl out of prison by smearing his accuser and using a legal technicality; then she laughed about it.
- She inspired the character of ‘Goneril Lear’ in my non-award not-winning sci-fi novel series. (Had to get a plug in there.)
- She illegally used a private, non-secure email server while Secretary of State, then destroyed it to prevent Congress from having access to her email.
- She accepted millions in foreign donations and then lobbied for policy changes on behalf of foreign donors.
- She invented the technique of responding to questions with a dismissive cackle.