Stormrider said:
My depression, drinking, anger, all the crap that gets me down. I can't talk to anyone so I talk/write to my diary. Started it last week and it's so miserable
A thought I had in this life is that everyone in this life is a broken down mess and the only thing that makes anyone different from the rest is their ability to be honest with themselves and others about it. A way to take what you might see today as a weakness and turn it into a strength by seeing the courage that is born from admitting that which most would hide in fear of it ever being seen by anyone even if it's only a shred of it. I am glad you started writing as the beginnings of letting it out even if it's only to a journal. It might be just a tiny step to even fully admit it if it be just to the pages of a journal but it's one step closer to being free of it that you were even willing to take until now.
I am saddened that most only see the fog that is your pain and heartbreak in this life and the result of it being present in your life because behind it lies a strong powerful and courageous woman just yearning to break free and be seen by the world.
As for the op, I don't know if my day to day life would necessarily be interesting enough to write about but I imagine I got my fair share of stories to tell that might be interesting to someone. I guess none of us are ever going to know till they get written I suppose.