This might depend on the forum and its community.
As I continue to condense my forums to make them more user-friendly and easier to post in (with fewer externally added features and fewer sections), I've come to a point of deciding what to do about introductions.
1. Keep a dedicated board for introductions
2. Create an introduction thread on the off-topic board
Now for a forum that is mainly consisting of people who are old-school forum users or forum owners, a board may be great because they know how to use it.
However, I have a forum that specifically caters to a certain group of people not relating to forums/webmaster stuff and many of them are replying to existing introduction threads and introducing themselves there. That makes me wonder if an intro thread would be a better idea.
I'm curious about what the community here thinks about this issue.
As I continue to condense my forums to make them more user-friendly and easier to post in (with fewer externally added features and fewer sections), I've come to a point of deciding what to do about introductions.
1. Keep a dedicated board for introductions
2. Create an introduction thread on the off-topic board
Now for a forum that is mainly consisting of people who are old-school forum users or forum owners, a board may be great because they know how to use it.
However, I have a forum that specifically caters to a certain group of people not relating to forums/webmaster stuff and many of them are replying to existing introduction threads and introducing themselves there. That makes me wonder if an intro thread would be a better idea.
I'm curious about what the community here thinks about this issue.