Please, please, please go away Jeb Bush and never come back. And on your way take Hillary, Romney, Christie and the rest of them.
Even though moderate Republican candidates lose presidential elections without the conservative base (see: George H.W. Bush '92, Bob Dole '96, John McCain '08, Mitt Romney '12), former Florida Governor and potential presidential candidate Jeb Bush thinks conservatives are not needed to win the White House.
Bush believes that a presidential candidate who is "willing to lose the primary to win the general" has the best shot at the White House.
"I don’t know if I’d be a good candidate or a bad one," Bush said at a Wall Street Journal CEO Council meeting on Monday evening in Washington, D.C. "I kinda know how a Republican can win, whether it’s me or somebody else – and it has to be much more uplifting, much more positive, much more willing to be... ‘lose the primary to win the general’ without violating your principles. It’s not an easy task, to be honest with you."
Should Bush run, his embrace of comprehensive amnesty legislation and Common Core will put him at odds with conservative voters in the early primary states. Bush, who said he would make a decision in "short order" about whether he will be a presidential candidate, revealed on Monday that he thinks a moderate Republican who runs as a moderate in the primary has the best chance of winning the White House.
Bush has shown every indication that he will not pander to conservatives and take positions that are at odds with what he truly believes so that he is not viewed as a phony politician like Mitt Romney, who tried to have it both ways on nearly every issue.