Kansas to join states allowing concealed guns without permit
Thoughts about not having to have a permit and no longer requiring training for everyone who wants to carry concealed?
Kansas is poised to join a handful of other states that allow their residents to carry concealed firearms without a permit after the Legislature gave final approval Wednesday to a bill backed by the National Rifle Association.
Kansas would become the fifth state to allow concealed carry without a permit everywhere within its borders, according to the NRA.
"Carrying a gun is a lifestyle," said Republican Rep. Travis Couture-Lovelady. "The government should trust its citizens."
The House approved the bill Wednesday on an 85-39 vote. The Senate passed it last month, but a House committee made a technical change that senators had to review. The Senate signed off, 31-8, about two hours after the House's vote.
State law has long allowed people to carry firearms openly without requiring training, and backers of the bill said gun owners have shown they are responsible with their firearms.
"Kansans already have two documents granting them the right to concealed carry — the Constitution of the United States and the Kansas Constitution," Couture-Lovelady said. "That should be all they need."
Thoughts about not having to have a permit and no longer requiring training for everyone who wants to carry concealed?