Webster said:
I do not do twitter I just thought it was pretty funny with a lot of truth to it.
and racists...
Okay? so, you like being a racist and a bigot? good job...
not all criminals are "thugs" nor black...
Never said all criminals are black. But if you are criminal you pretty much are a thug. Being a criminal hurts someone so that makes you a thug. um, wrong again there liberty as usual, breaking the law and being a thug are totally different... anyone can and do break the law, doesn't make them a thug nor doesn't mean they hurt anyone...
and not all blacks "lowride" or loot or even steal...
Never claimed they all are. But to many do. you're trying to portray that to everyone, all races of people "lowride", loot and steal... the majority of the blacks in america don't "lowride", even white kids "lowride"...
i think you're a bigot and a racist...
I think you know not what you speak and the racist claims from the left are just hilarious at this point. from what you post, you are considered a bigot and a racist, blame yourself not anyone else...
also, it was the cops that started firing at the peaceful protesters first and then AFTER the fact, only SOME bad apples did some damage and looting, NOT burn down a town, like you said or are suggesting...
No it wasn't. yes, but you deny the truth... And it was not peaceful and it was not just a few bad apples. yes, it was peaceful, but the cops had their orders to remove them with force, so they did, firing the first shot at the crowd... And if they truly did not want the violence they should have stood with the police to stop it from burning down a town. first, a town was never burnt down, only a few buildings... and second, it's not up to the peaceful to try to stop anyone as that's not their jobs to do... and yes, it was only a few bad apples and they did not represent the peaceful protesters that got attacked by the police first, mind you women and children got hurt by the police as well... did the children attack the cops? i think not...
but who am i kidding here, liberty loves to say things that are untrue and just make up crap out of his diluted, brainwashed, and hate-filled head of his...
But who am I kidding about a person who has no capability to keep the topic about the topic instead of making everything so personal like a little child with no self control. oh, i've been on topic, i stay on topic, you're the one that always goes off topic in debates and try to spread your lies, in which i destroy... i'm not being personal, i just tell the truth, maybe you dislike the truth, but that's not my fault...