Hello there,
I have been absent the whole past period because I have travelled to a bedouin place where life is as simple as it was thousands of years ago. I spent a great time there and I returned back 5 days ago. These 5 days are marked as the yet blackest days of my life.
I came back to find my family really depressed and sad. I asked what is wrong? They told me that Tom (My 3 years old cat and best friend) got a chronic renal failure (Kidney) and that he is going to die. I just thought they are bullshitting me, I immediately took him to the vet near my home and he told me my family had been to him twice and he regretted to tell me that Tom's status is bad prognosis, he won't survive.
I refused to hear all of this bullshit and I went to the biggest vet center in Egypt and there they told me that the only solution that might save his life is to clear the urinary blockage he got and then do a surgery called perineal urethrostomy where they were going to change the path through which the urine goes. They cleared the urinary blockage and told me to come back tomorrow.
By the time I went home with him, I realized he is dying. He bled from the urea (back), he was sunken in his urine and he laid on his side. I kept beside him for 2 hours where he tried to stand up and then immediately falls, I couldn't stop my tears rivers from flowing. I kept him warm and kept rubbing him gently over the head, his breathing is still working but it is getting calmer and calmer then at his last minutes, he started agonal breathing where his breath was really difficult but could be heard, he kept that for like 15 mins and then it stopped....
I cannot imagine that this really happened, I feel like I lost one of the dearest family members I got. I still can see him jumping in every place around home. I still can see his fur on my bed... I am completely depressed and in the worst mood ever, I have an important interview in the next few hours that I don't know what I will be able to do at. I seek your help.